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Curt Dsouza

  1. Tips to Keep Your Health Winter Ready!

    Tips to Keep Your Health Winter Ready!
    Winter is when illness, injury and festivities can get in the way of being healthy. But, not to worry, TGVC is here to ensure that nothing holds you back. Our superpower is good health, and to supercharge your defences, we have a checklist to keep your health in tip-top condition this winter. Without further ado, let’s get right into some...
  2. International Men’s Day - Making a Difference For Men!

    International Men’s Day - Making a Difference For Men!
    Let’s begin this read with a word from former Prime Minister - Theresa May MP. Theresa May MP -  “I recognise the important  issues this event seeks to highlight including men’s health, male suicide rates and the underperformance of boys in schools, these are serious issues that must be addressed in a considered way.” International Men’s Day is marked on...
  3. Lower Back Pain: Causes, Symptoms, and How It’s Treated.

    Lower Back Pain: Causes, Symptoms, and How It’s Treated.
    Lower back pain is a type of pain that results from many diseases and injuries, including injuries from the muscles or tendons in one’s back. This type of pain is quite common; about four out of five people will experience lower back pain sometime in their lives. While some kinds of lower back pain can be uncomfortable, others can be...
  4. Why Is Curcumin Important?

    Why Is Curcumin Important?
    Curcumin also called diferuloylmethane, is the main natural polyphenol found in the rhizome of Curcuma longa (turmeric). Curcuma longa has been traditionally used in Asian countries as a medical herb due to its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antimutagenic and antimicrobial properties.  Curcumin, a polyphenol, has been shown to target multiple signalling molecules while also demonstrating activity at the cellular level, which has...
  5. Get Supplement Ready for Autumn!

    Get Supplement Ready for Autumn!
    What’s your approach to taking supplements and vitamins? Is it carefully analysed and calculated, or is it taking as many as possible and hoping for the best? It is advisable to take a balanced approach toward vitamins and supplements as we prepare for autumn. We should be getting most of our nutrients from our diet, but sometimes that is not...
  6. World Heart Day - Awareness and Care Tips!

    World Heart Day - Awareness and Care Tips!
    Created by the World Heart Federation, World Heart Day, celebrated on 29th September, is aimed at spreading awareness amongst people around the globe to take charge of heart health. Did you know that cardiovascular disease is the foremost cause of death worldwide, taking an estimated 17.9 million lives each year, and can affect people of all ages? Our hearts beat...
  7. National Eye Health Week - Tips to take care of your eye health!

    National Eye Health Week - Tips to take care of your eye health!
    This National Eye Health Week, from the 19th to the 25th of September, let’s take the plunge to spread awareness about eye health. Did you know? In the UK, 2 million people are living with sight loss, around 6 million people suffer from eye conditions and every day, 250 people lose their eyesight. National Eye Health Week aims to promote...
  8. 5 Food Supplements You Need When on a Vegan Diet!

    5 Food Supplements You Need When on a Vegan Diet!
    The most common concern about a vegan diet is whether it provides your body with the required vitamins and minerals it needs. There have been many claims that a whole-food, plant-based diet easily meets all the daily nutrient requirements. Some even encourage vegans to avoid all vitamins and minerals tablets. Despite being well intended, this advice must not be taken...
  9. Why you should take Elderberry Food Supplements?

    Why you should take Elderberry Food Supplements?
    Elderberry is a dark purple fruit from the elderberry shrub. These berries grow on about 99 metres tall trees and have many small white flowers known as Elder Flowers, which further leads us to small blue/purple blackberries known as Elderberry. It is a rich source of antioxidants known as anthocyanins. Some claims about elderberry's benefits include  Treating the common cold...
  10. 9 Easy Tips to Improve Your Gut Health!

    9 Easy Tips to Improve Your Gut Health!
    Gut health is essential. There are around 40 trillion bacteria in our body, most of which are found in our gut. Collectively known as the gut microbiome, they are incredibly important for your overall health. Our gut health is linked to many chronic diseases, so keeping your gut healthy is one way to prevent illnesses in the long run.  To...

Items 11 to 20 of 46 total