Vitamin D3 is essential for your overall health and wellbeing. There are multiple sources of vitamin D3 - sun, food, and even supplements. Too little vitamin D3 may create problems with your bones, muscles, immune system, and mood. It might also create more inflammation and pain.

Let us look at the many roles of vitamin D3 in the body below. 


Vitamin D3 promotes intestinal calcium absorption. It may also maintain adequate blood levels of calcium and phosphorus for healthy bone mineralization. Vitamin D3 deficiency in infants and children can cause softening of the bones. Similarly, in adults, vitamin D3 deficiency manifests as osteomalacia.

Immune System

An adequate intake of vitamin D3 may support good immune function. It reduces the risk of autoimmune diseases, diabetes, asthma, and rheumatoid arthritis. However, vitamin D3 has a positive effect on the immune response of human cells. Hence it keeps you away from health risks related to immune deficiency.

Fight Diseases

Of the many roles of vitamin D3, one of them and a crucial one is to fight diseases. Vitamin D3 may also play a role in;

  • Reducing the risk of multiple sclerosis 
  • Decreasing the chance of heart disease 
  • Reducing the likelihood of severe illnesses, like - COVID 19, flu, acute respiratory distress syndrome, etc. 

Sources of Vitamin D3


There are few foods naturally rich in vitamin D3. Below is a list of some of the most beneficial vitamin D3 food sources. 

  • Cod liver oil
  • Fish 
  • Dairy and Plant milk 
  • Beef liver
  • Fortified cereals


Vitamin D3 can be formed when a chemical reaction occurs in human skin. The sun is one of the essential vitamins D3 for the body. This Sun Awareness Week, it is crucial to understand how the sun is a significant source of multiple health benefits, one of which is Vitamin D3. It would help if you stepped out in the sun to enjoy its ultraviolet rays. It keeps your skin healthy, allows you to indulge in physical activities, and offers Vitamin D3.   

However, below are a few sources that decrease exposure to UVB light and therefore lessen vitamin D3 absorption:

  • Use of sunscreen
  • Clothes covering your entire skin 
  • Staying most of the time indoors
  • Certain seasons - winter and monsoons
  • Colour of your skin


After reading this blog, you must have understood how vital vitamin D3 is for your body. But you must have also understood that your body does not get enough of it. To avoid that, try Vitamin D3 supplements from The Good Vitamin Company. You can buy supplements online from the best vitamin company and never miss out on getting enough Vitamin D3 for your body. Also, check out our website for many more vitamins and supplements. 

Happy Sun Awareness Week to you!